The first steps

The first steps

Studying in a private school is the dream of all parents. An obstacle to implementation can only be the price of the issue or the absence of such a school. You can help solve half of the problem by opening your own school. This is not an easy business, but noble and quite profitable.
Without exaggeration, the quality of the education received in secondary school determines the development of adult life. The ability to perceive new knowledge and find its application, admission to a university, professional growth – the preconditions for a successful life are laid in childhood.

Many parents have already realized the value of a quality secondary education, but finding a school that matches their aspirations is very difficult. In overcrowded classrooms, it is impossible to pay due attention to each student, and the level of training of the teachers themselves leaves much to be desired.

The conclusion is that private schools, devoid of the shortcomings of public educational institutions, should be popular. But in reality, not all parents are ready to pay for a child’s education. Even in large cities, where the level of income is quite high, the number of families wishing to transfer a child to a private school does not exceed 20 percent. Therefore, the first step before starting a private school should be to study the demand in your city. Interview as many potential consumers of your service as possible in order to understand whether there are prospects for recruiting a sufficient number of students, what hopes parents associate with studying in a private school, how much they are willing to pay for the education of their children.